For theatre production The Sky of Foetuses by Ulrike Quade Company I was asked to create a collection of animated collages from archival footage that were projected onto the stage as an interactive set. The show premiered at Bellevue Theater in Amsterdam and will go on tour in the fall of 2023.
"In light of what should have been the fiftieth anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade (1973) case, Simon(e) van Saarloos wrote The Sky of Foetuses, in collaboration with Ulrike Quade Company. The performance tells the story of non-binary Freddie (Naomi Grant) who enters a world in which the terms abortion, violence and life get a new meaning. How does it feel to end up in a different world, and to find out you may not really belong on earth? That as a non-binary person of color you find out that you should have been aborted? Our protagonist Freddie in The Sky of Foetuses, starts doubting about their identity and is confronted with the binarity of human existence: man or woman, black or white, left or right, pro-life or pro-choice. How would the world look if we detached from these dualities?"
Writer: Simon(e) van Saarloos
Director: Ulrike Quade
Animated collages by: Mirjam Debets
Commisioned by: Ulrike Quade Company

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